
Coming To Terms With Unplanned Pregnancy

This is a safe space for individuals of any background who may be experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Unplanned or planned, pregnancy is a beautiful, yet stressful, journey. An unplanned pregnancy might come as a welcome surprise or a startling reality. 


What it Means to Count Baby’s Kicks

My son is what Count the Kicks calls a “baby save.” He was born safely after I paid attention to his movement, noticed when something was off, and spoke up to my provider.  His birth, and what I have learned about fetal movement since then, have propelled me to become an ambassador for Count the Kicks in my home state of Mississippi.


Our Kid’s don’t see our Flaws

As dads, the reality is that we will never have enough money or people to support us when we need it. Heck, many of us may not have a clue about what a good dad looks like because we’ve never seen one. But, when our kids wake up each morning, they do not see our flaws.